Rubicon voor nieuwe blik op doofheid

Rubicon voor nieuwe blik op doofheid

# Back to overview Rubicon voor nieuwe blik op doofheid Foto: Jacques van der Linden, 2019. Ruben Verwaal, conservator medisch erfgoed, heeft een NWO Rubiconbeurs gekregen. Met deze persoonlijke beurs van €180.000 gaat hij aan de Universiteit van Durham in het...
6. Semen in Flux

6. Semen in Flux

# Back to overview 6. Semen in Flux Chapter 6, ‘Semen in Flux’, demonstrates the development of eighteenth-century physicians’ notions of disease. It argues that investigations relating to semen helped formalise pathology as a separate discipline. Historians have...
5. Sweat it Out

5. Sweat it Out

# Back to overview 5. Sweat it Out Chapter 5, ‘Sweat it Out’, focusses on the concept of “insensible perspiration” and the sudorific drug of sal ammoniac. The existing historiography of insensible perspiration has stressed the longevity of the use of Santorio...
4. Crying over Spilt Milk

4. Crying over Spilt Milk

# Back to overview 4. Crying over Spilt Milk Chapter 4, ‘Crying over Spilt Milk’, reveals that the renewed interest in and reconsideration of the fluids also occurred outside academia, in particular the household. Milk presents one of the most important and praised...
3. Piss Prophets and Urine Matters

3. Piss Prophets and Urine Matters

# Back to overview 3. Piss Prophets and Urine Matters Chapter Three, ‘Piss Prophets and Urine Matters’, shows that physicians repurposed chemistry from the general diagnostic tool of uroscopy to serve the specialised, pathological study of urinary diseases. For...